Our motion systems are
brilliantly designed, just like the interaction
between muscles and joints.
AeroLas drives productivity with groundbreaking performances:
with our guidance technology, customers benefit from the highest levels
of dynamics and precision for outstanding competitive advantages.
Breathe new life
into your company with
high-tech air-guided innovations.
From simple components to complex drive systems,
AeroLas is the number one specialist in the development
and production of customised air-guided solutions.
The productivity of your machines benefits significantly from the combination of
unique dynamics and precision.
AeroLas develops and produces customised ultra-light solutions
with stiff air-bearings for sub-μm precision. Achievable
accelerations are only limited by the motor’s own output.
Frictionless and noiseless drives
with air-bearings are just as fascinating
as weightlessness in space.
Contactless, noiseless, no particles, oil or grease: with these characteristics,
air-guided solutions from AeroLas let you experience
the highest quality and benefit from unique performance.
Sensitive processes
are more reliable with
integrated air-bearing solutions.
Combining air-bearings with functionalities like the placement
force limitation in the assembly of microchips, AeroLas opens up
new possibilities for customers in the global benchmark.
Our unique know-how enables
new innovations,
especially for
mechatronic systems.
AeroLas is recognised as the global gold standard for premium products
with exceptional characteristics, far exceeding what has been technologically
possible so far. This remains our commitment for the future.


From technology leader to global leader

AeroLas was founded in 1997 in Unterhaching, Munich, as a spin-off company of the Technical University of Munich. From the start, it has driven innovations in the development of aerostatic bearings (air-bearings) and air-guided drive systems.

Firmly established as a technology leader, AeroLas focuses its core competencies on customised system solutions. Thanks to the long-term experience and special simulation tools, products can be developed to production readiness in a very short time.

Solutions with integrated functionalities and high-performance drives are the focus of a team of experienced engineers, physicists and computer scientists. Key target markets are semiconductor, electronics and flat panel productions, as well as the measurement technology and optical industry.

AeroLas has protected its unique technological selling point for the long-term through numerous basic and application patents. Its expertise allows for a broad spectrum of products with sustainable growth opportunities, ranging from single air-bearings and functional solutions for large series, to complex high-performance drives with specific drive technology.

Brief profile

  • Founded: 1997, spin-off of TU Munich
  • Headquarters: Unterhaching (Munich), Bavaria, Germany
  • Production: Aying, Bavaria, Germany
  • CEO: Michael Muth


“We develop and produce unique
high-tech products, tailored to the needs
of our customers”

Performance and functionality

AeroLas possesses unique tools for the simulation of air-guided solutions. These allow us to calculate static and dynamic characteristics in its entirety with mathematical accuracy. In doing so, we keep the development time short and minimise risk.

Mechanics and drive technology

Based on our patented air-bearing technology and our own drive controller, we develop high-performance drive systems for different applications. The integration of mechanics and drive allow us to offer highly competitive pricing.

Quality and

Many of our customers used to produce air-bearings themselves, sourced them from our competitors, or are even competitors themselves. We appreciate our customers’ trust in us for their core products and in return, we commit to delivering the highest quality and reliability.


Our multiple patents give a first impression of our outstanding ideas and solutions. They showcase the diverse possibilities of the use of air-bearings. These we apply through our extensive expertise, which enables us to solve our customers’ challenges.

Technologically unique

Our patented air-bearing technology far exceeds the performance of other air-bearings. This is at the heart of our exceptional customised solutions that strengthen our customers’ competitiveness in the global market.


AeroLas offers its customers exceptional service from the outset, beginning with a feasibility assessment of the rough concept for the customer. We then prioritise continuous customer satisfaction and long-term collaborations.


Welcome to the
AeroLas website

Ask yourself, do you ever dream of creating captivating products? Captivating through seemingly simple, yet unique innovations. Equally as captivating as weightlessness: a noiseless and frictionless solution free of polluting lubrications. It would be a pleasure to demonstrate some of these captivating solutions that provide both technical and commercial benefits.

Michael Muth, CEO AeroLas

Thank you very much for visiting our website. I would love to tell you all about our products and services, and hope to develop a future partnership with you.

We founded AeroLas in 1997, convinced that our patented air-bearing technology had a great future in store. The revolutionary combination of static and dynamic characteristics offers ideal solutions for increased productivity and quality in a wide variety of markets. Our ambition was to redefine the air-bearing from a niche product, into a product commonplace in growing markets.

AeroLas continued to establish itself globally through its innovative products. Japan, with the highest requirements in quality and reliability, became our first key market in 2002. Since then, our portfolio of customers has expanded to include the primary industrial nations, with many renowned companies and even competitors of ours. These companies chose AeroLas products to secure and grow their position within their respective markets. Thanks to our unique products for consumer goods and production machines, which provide an alternative to existing solutions, we have entered new, fast-growing markets with our air-bearings.

AeroLas is unique globally, through its team of physicists, engineers, computer scientists and technicians, who can calculate and produce customised air-guided solutions. Our in-house simulation tool significantly reduces development time and risk.

We are inspired by the developments and product series for our customers. We are also not scared of failure, so we can achieve great things within a short development time.

Come visit us in Unterhaching, South East Munich, Bavaria, and feel inspired by the magic of our high-tech company, just like our customers and employees. Enjoy cutting edge technology made by AeroLas.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Muth
Founder and Chief Executive Officer